Muna Wehbe

Strategic Advisor I Former CEO I Board Member

How I can help you

Leading an organisation is very rewarding but it is also lonely work. More often than not, you are dealing with complex team dynamics, stakeholders with differing views, and an evolving set of choices for your organisation that are difficult to weigh up.I work closely with clients to support them as they navigate their day-to-day work, acting as a confidential sounding board and offering hands-on tailored support in areas such as:
• Working with trustees, founders and directors
• Managing organisational change
• Programme design
• Nurturing individuals, developing teams and operational structures
• Navigating challenging team dynamics
• Preparing for board meetings
• Setting priorities
• Editing and drafting confidential documents
Unlike a coach or a mentor, my engagement is more involved. My goal is to support clients behind the scenes, ready to think through and action work alongside them, so they never feel alone on their leadership journey.I also draw on a talented network of experts I have worked with over many years. They specialise in communications, charity law, finance, programmes, HR, speech-writing, design, coaching and much more.

About me

As the former CEO of Stars Foundation and Sales Manager at Procter and Gamble, I have over 25 years of strategic and operational experience. I have taken an organisation through its life cycle, building it from a start-up to deliver impact at global scale. In that time, I developed and implemented new strategies, managed complex organisational change including mergers and redundancies, pivoted operations and teams, and nurtured a working culture that ensured staff retention.I have overseen the development of collaborative and participatory grantmaking programmes with global reach supporting frontline grassroots organisations with flexible funding. I have also worked closely with an engaged founder and his multinational business, managed a diverse board of Trustees, and handled a wide array of stakeholder relationships. Throughout my work I have championed locally-led change by supporting grassroots NGO leaders and activists.I am a Trustee of Global Dialogue, the Global Fund for Children UK Trust and the Miles Coverdale Charitable Trust. I am the proud mother of two girls and am invested in helping to build a more just future for them.

What my clients say

“Of course philanthropy is a huge privilege but it can also feel very daunting and scary as it is a huge responsibility. Muna has literally been a rock for me – guiding me and supporting me and helping me to meet my mission of supporting marginalised communities. I have come to trust her judgment so much as I know she has a depth of experience but also that she knows me well also – and so her advice is always on point. Knowing that Muna is always a phone call or whatsapp message away has made me bolder and braver in my philanthropy.”
CEO of family foundation
“I have all these random ideas and the fact that Muna holds all the balls in the air and never drops one is what holds it all together for me.”
CEO of foundation
“We are in such a good place now with our organisation and that’s in large part due to Muna and the critical feedback and support she’s given us over the past two years.”
Managing Director of corporate foundation
“For the last couple of years, Muna has provided me with invaluable support both in my role as Director of an Anti-trafficking Foundation and also in my capacity as a local councillor. She has provided advice to me and the team at large with respect to strategy, projects, management and has on several occasions played the role of a facilitator. What I appreciate the most about Muna and what sets her apart is the care and concern she demonstrates, the depth of her understanding and her integrity which underpins all that she does. I honestly think the challenges would be that much harder without her.”
Co-Founder and Director of foundation
"As with any small organisation, we have experienced our share of institutional change, challenge, and upheaval in recent years. Without the leadership support that Muna has provided, those moments would have been infinitely more difficult for us to tackle. Muna has brought deep knowledge and insight, a keen listening ear, practical skills, and most importantly, trusting support on which we’ve been able to rely during key moments of strategic growth and organisational change. Muna is a true pleasure to work with. Working with her feels like a real partnership between peers. And although the work is always fun with her, Muna remains incredibly professional and focused on results, working to the highest standards of quality and best practice at all times."
Founder and co-CEO of NGO

Contact me

To find out more about me and to discuss how I might support you and your work, please get in touch.